Tag: Pina Piccolo

Goodbye Gianni – Enrico Palandri

Gianni Celati was born in Sondrio, Italy, in 1937. The novels Le Avventure di Guizzardi (1973), La Banda dei Sospiri (1976) and Lunario del Paradiso (1978) established Celati as an author of the neo-avant-garde group, along with...

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Four Short Stories about Growing Sad – Adrian Bravi

Adrian Bravi’s four short stories are instead teeming with a more homogeneous chorus of protagonists – gangs of children inhabiting poor neighborhoods in a small town in Argentina. The glue that holds together their esprit de corps is a childlike imaginative misreading of and sometimes contempt for the adult world, which leads them to exercise their power as a group by tormenting or further excluding marginalized people in their community.

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Arben Dedja

Dr. Arben Dedja is an Albenian poet and has published five books of poetry and four books of short fiction in Albenian and Italian.

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Rina Xhihani

Rina Xhihani was born in Albania 34 years ago. She has published poetry collections in Albenian and Italian. Her collection Cosmos Atrosanguineus is forthcoming in 2021, published by EtaBeta.

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Pina Piccolo

Pina Piccolo is a poet, translator and cultural activist whose work has appeared both in Italian and English, both in print and online journals and anthologies. 

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