Timirkanti Ghosh

Aug 22, 2020 | Poetry | 0 comments

Life Again

One day
This time will fall asleep
with shortness of breath by itself.

The human being
Will cure the disease one day
At risk.

Only a few of us
Became joyous temporary,
And set fire to the jungle.

It burned
The skin of trees,
The fox is running away with the baby in its mouth …

Father and me
Went out again in search of food.


Lock Down

Everything is changing
slowly …
The forest became more
parallel, shy

The riverside village is now
like a folk song.
This world has been one
holy shrine.
The broken sunset looks
like Paul Klee’s painting .
Everything is changing
Except human behavior …
The people with
Toxic saliva on the lips.



About Author

Timirkanti Ghosh

Timirkanti Ghosh

Timirkanti Ghosh ia a poet , translator. He writes mainly in Bengali. Formerly an Assistant film director, worked in film industry. Loves film and painting. At present he works in a publishing house as an editor from kolkata,India.

About Translator


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