Completed | The Antonym Translation Workshop

Jan 14, 2022 | Past Projects | 0 comments

The Antonym organized a three-day translation workshop during 7-9th January,2022 which was attended by mainly translators of Bengali fiction. The three-day online workshop dealt with following topics:
Day 1:
1. Philosophy and Practice: how goals and guidelines meet
The ideal of transparency: translating as trans-parenting, as opposed to transcreating
2. The Bengali-to-English translator’s essential tools
Day 2:
Hands on workshop on translating Bengali fiction into English
Day 3:
Transliteration: what it is and why method matters over madness
Academic/scholarly as opposed to online/popular
The workshop was conducted by Prof Ananda Lal:
Ananda Lal is a graduate of Presidency College and the University of Calcutta followed by a Ph.D. in Theatre from the University of Illinois, USA, in 1986. He was a Professor, Department of English, Jadavpur University, Kolkata (retired in 2017). He has served as the Head of that Department and has had a long and distinguished career in English literary studies in India as a translator and editor. His own books include Rabindranath Tagore: Three Plays (1987, 2001) and The Oxford Companion to Indian Theatre (2004). He has been theatre critic of The Telegraph (Kolkata) since 1986 till 2016, and has written articles and reviews in many books and journals published internationally, as well as for most national newspapers and magazines. He has lectured in the USA, UK, Canada, Australia and all over India.
Currently he directs Writers Workshop, Kolkata.
And here is a brief glimpse into the online workshop

Those  interested to attend similar future online workshops on translation either for fiction or poetry, please express your interest by sending us a mail at [email protected]

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