We, at The Antonym, are delighted to announce the results of the flash fiction contest that was arranged last December. A photograph by Aritra Sanyal was provided as a prompt for the contest. Entries were strictly limited to 350 words.
Responses poured in from all over the world, with participants offering a variety of thoughts, ideas, and executions that were both awe-inspiring and illuminating. We came across stories that portrayed deep philosophy, were as lyrical as poetry, and as vibrant as paintings. In the end, we could select only five that stood out with their content, use of prompt, imagery, title, and conclusion.
The Lighthouse by Jonathan Sonnenberg with its exquisitely lyrical voice depicted the eternal human yearning of going back to one’s roots.
Halka Hata by Leona Cicone took us to an unfamiliar world of myth, mystery, and courage, only to leave us asking for more.
With bold and subtle strokes author Marzia Rahman described the agony, love, and heart-wrenching struggle of people living on the margins of society in The Dream He Forgot.
Abha Iyengar’s The Last Prayers transported us to a mysterious alley where spirituality and death walked hand in hand in a complex relationship.
Finally, Empty Nights by Lynne Knight, the winner of the contest, not only read like a short story but also evoked our emotions as we stood witness to the protagonist’s universal grief and loss in the backstreets of Marrakesh.
Congratulations to the winner! All five stories are published in The Antonym’s Montage section. We are thankful to all the participants and encourage everyone to participate in our next flash fiction contest.