Rishi Dastidar

Apr 9, 2021 | Front And Center, Poetry | 0 comments

The mesmerising kineticism of Boy Bruce, The Mighty Atom

The ‘patter’ yes, he had it, was
all about it. But don’t forget patter
as in ‘pattern’ too, the way his feet
would find unmissable meanings
on sprung floors across the land,
in ballrooms, on bandstands, in
Meccas to the demand that we.
will. must. be. entertained. now.
because it is Saturday night dammit
and the money has nearly run out;
so make those quirks and quarks
and electrons electrifying and we
will cheer you into those universes
beyond any we might ever know.


Eating popcorn at the apocalypse

Well, the cinemas are closed,
so what else are we to do?


Gresham’s law, but for supply side curves

The Gig economy >
The Hustle economy >
The Grift economy >
The Flail economy >
The Despair economy >
The End economy


My ghost speaks iron

oh the elemental sadness
of having a lover come back
to your mind unbidden,
summoned up by a word,
say ‘iron’, a fine cell thought.
You wait for a revelation, not
realizing the epiphany of her is
always there by never being there.



About Author

Rishi Dastidar

Rishi Dastidar

Rishi Dastidar’s poetry has been published by the Financial Times and BBC amongst many others. He is a fellow of The Complete Works, a consulting editor at The Rialto magazine, a member of Malika’s Poetry Kitchen, and chair of writer development organization Spread The Word. A poem from his debut collection Ticker-tape was included in The Forward Book of Poetry 2018. A pamphlet, the break of a wave, was published by Offord Road Books in 2019, and he is also editor of The Craft: A Guide to Making Poetry Happen in the 21st Century. His second collection, Saffron Jack, is published in the UK by Nine Arches Press.

About Translator


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