Poems by Mercury-Marvin Sunderland

Jun 19, 2021 | Poetry | 0 comments

Two Mugs of Coffee & A Bottle of Mountain Dew

today i ran on
two mugs of coffee
& a bottle of mountain dew

& i don’t even like mountain dew
i just buy it when
i need emergency caffeine

i have
sleep problems & sugar addiction
& i know that those seem tame
but i have borderline personality disorder
& maybe some form of a laughing disorder

& i
only feel emotions
at the highest intensity

or no emotions at all

so sugar is one of the few ways
i can make myself instantly happy

when i’m so sad i can’t move but
i’m known for having
childish sugar highs

but shaking & giggling
is one of the few ways
i can reliably feel good
in an instant &

my pantry is stocked with
treats & caffeine.

alternatively also
cbd & camomile.

it’s one of the few ways i can handle
tears on pillowcases

& alarm clock snooze buttons

i know it’s not the healthiest
but it’s also not the worst either

what do you do for
overlooked addiction?

mental illness & sugar
aren’t associated together

but to me they very much are

today i ran on
two mugs of coffee
& a bottle of mountain dew

& at least it’s not the worst but

i’m constantly drugging myself with
sleep & awakening.


Red Lobster Dew-Garita

red lobster released the

it is what it sounds:
a mountain dew

because if that sugar & caffeine
wasn’t enough
now there’s shots of hard alcohol

so you can get drunk
& have a sugar high
at the same time

at one (1) of the nicest
chain restaurants.

& yes i know
that mountain dew is disgusting

but i’ll drink it anyway

when energy drinks
don’t cut it

after zero hours of sleep.

before i eat

i’ll quench down two (2) glasses

like it’s nothing

& i know that
i probably shouldn’t be able to do that

if i’m twenty-one

& only just started drinking

if that sugar & caffeine
wasn’t enough
now there’s shots of hard alcohol

but i can be
both an adult
& a child at heart

so i’ll drink
this concoction
of so bad for you

like it’s nothing
because i can

& i won’t always
be able to.


About Author

Mercury-Marvin Sunderland (he/him) is a transgender autistic gay man with Borderline Personality Disorder. He’s from Seattle and currently attends the Evergreen State College. He’s been published by University of Amsterdam’s Writer’s Block, UC Davis’ Open Ceilings, UC Riverside’s Santa Ana River Review, UC Santa Barbara’s Spectrum, and The New School’s The Inquisitive Eater. His lifelong dream is to become the most banned author in human history. He’s @RomanGodMercury on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

About Translator


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