Poems by Alexander Shurbanov

Jul 9, 2021 | Poetry | 0 comments


A man folds up a red umbrella.
The wet asphalt glares
and through squinting eyes you see:
in myriad raindrops on tree leaves,
translucent like fish eggs,
the reviving sun


The Protest

I thoughtlessly encroached
upon the fief of wild geranium,
and from beneath my feet exploded
indignant perfume.


The roof of a house.
And behind it, a mountain.
A resemblance of shapes.
by copying what endures.
In much the same way a child
repeats its parents
until it gradually fills a slot
in the geography
of the inherited world
turning it into home.


About Author

Alexander Shurbanov (Sofia, 1941) is author of two dozen books of poems and essays. He has translated into Bulgarian Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales, Shakespeare’s mature tragedies, Milton’s Paradise Lost and Dylan Thomas’s poems. For over four decades Shurbanov has taught English literature at Sofia University and has published a number of literary critical books both at home and abroad, including monographs on Shakespeare’s and Marlowe’s poetic drama. He is the winner of a number of prestigious awards as a writer, translator and scholar.

About Translator


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