early yiddish instrumental music – Lorelei Bacht

Mar 19, 2022 | Fiction | 0 comments

Winner of The Antonym February Poetry Contest

Artwork by Sumona Rahman Choudhury

bird of my breath uncaged, warping
its feathered ribs around a petrol night.

did I ever imagine an inhale?

you note – things used to be simpler,

when we tumbled around the globe,
one foot, one foot, one hand on either

side of continents, running
out of limbs fast, but look:

we were happy with the game of twister.

now what? now put, now barred behind
exiles of black windows, and every night:

rain like sorrow, a detuned violin.

untransformed pain is transmitted,
you add while lighting a candle. to spell

every broken branch on the tree

would take more nights than the moon
can afford.


About Author

Lorelei Bacht (she/they) is a concatenation of identities. They successfully escaped grey skies and red buses to live and write somewhere in the monsoon forest. Their recent writing has appeared and/or is forthcoming in After the Pause, Barrelhouse, The Bitchin’ Kitsch, SWWIM, The Inflectionist Review, Sinking City, Door is a Jar, and elsewhere. They are also on Instagram: @lorelei.bacht.writer and on Twitter @bachtlorelei.

About Translator


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