Dead Zones -Mia Lecomte

Feb 27, 2021 | Fiction | 2 comments

Translated from the Italian by Brenda Porster


Advertisement for aspiring suicides
those who would prefer to be dead
but are incapable of the great act
they stay on simply
because they don’t know how to go
Wanted: reliable company
to share
the imminent end of the world
accomplices to divvy up
what will not be left of us
Beyond themselves
with a long throw
matching up melancholies
like bocce balls competing
for a place on the sand

Dead Zones

The sky-blue stuffed cockerel
crows at your every awakening
You ask yourself about the time
the weather and the season
what you will wear and eat
if and where you’d prefer to live
It crows every sky-blue day
each time from the beginning
you ask yourself
without ever asking that question
Fixed between the pointed weapon
and its target
you live a privileged life

About Author

Mia Lecomte

Mia Lecomte

Mia Lecomte is an Italian poet and writer of French origin. Author of many publications, her poems have been translated into several languages and appear in Italy as well as abroad in magazines and collections. A translator from French, Mia Lecomte is especially known as critic and editor in the field of transnational literature, to which she dedicated essays and anthologies. Among others, she is on the editorial board of the anglo-french poetry festival review La traductière and is a contributor to Italian edition of Le Monde Diplomatique. She is the founder and a member of the Compagnia delle poete ( and of Linguafranca ( Her website is at

About Translator

Brenda Porster

Brenda Porster

Brenda Porster, poet and translator, lives and works in Florence, Italy. Her poems in both English and Italian are published in numerous literary magazines, poetry anthologies and online literary sites in Italy and abroad. As Italian-English translator for the literary site El-Ghibli, rivista di letteratura della migrazione she translated tens of stories and poems written in Italian by immigrant authors. For several years now she has been the Italian-English translator for Voyages, Journal of New York University in Florence and for the Florentine annual poetry festival, Voci lontane, voci sorelle.


  1. Deb Bandhopadhaya

    Elegant concept. Deadly beautiful!!

  2. Amar



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