Tag: Bibhu Padhi

Poems by Sangram Jena

Sangram Jena, a bi-lingual writer, has published five collections of poetry in Odia and three volumes of poems in English. His poems have been published in India and abroad in several prestigious journals. These poems are translated from Odia by noted poet Bibhu Padhi.

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Poems by Saroj Bal

Saroj Bal (b-1976) writes poetry and fiction in Odia language. He has 14 poetry collections, 4 collections of short-stories and 1 novel to his credit. Translated from the Odia by Bibhu Padhi who is a distinguished poet from Orisha.

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Poems by Bibhu Padhi

Bibhu Padhi lives in Bhubaneswar, Orisa, India. A Pushcart nominee, published fourteen books of poetry. His poems have appeared in distinguished magazines throughout the English-speaking world.

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Bibhu Padhi

This Place No one owns it, except an immense darkness. Who else is lonely here except myself? Stay with me, ask me questions I cannot answer. There are ghosts here, my ancestors. Take me to some other place, where I can breathe....

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